Jacqui Bravo

About me

About Me

I was a Vice President in a large international management consulting company and had a successful but stressful career.  I decided to retire early so I could enjoy the fruits of my labor.  In 1998, I returned to Santa Barbara where I graduated from UCSB in 1968.  Having traveled the world for business and pleasure, I knew this was the best place to live. 
In 2002, I took beginning drawing and watercolor classes through SBCC’s Adult Education Program just to see if I could paint.  I realized immediately that my paintings had a linear style rather than the painterly style of the artists I admire.  I concluded that my analytical approach and obsessive compulsive behavior were not going to change, so, I decided to select subject matter to fit my natural inclinations.  
I have painted landscapes, buildings, and portraits but derive the greatest pleasure from painting flowers. I am fascinated by the infinite variety and the intricate structure of each flower.  My goal is not to paint a botanically perfect flower but to capture the flowing movement inherent in each bloom. 
Memberships:  Santa Barbara Art Assoc. - President 2011 - 2012, V. P. 2007 - 2011
                                         Goleta Valley Art Assoc. - V.P. 2007 and a Director 2008 - 2009
                                         Los Padres Watercolor Society - President 2003 - present

Memberships:  Santa Barbara Art Assoc. - Vice President 2007 - present 
                       Goleta Valley Art Assoc. - V.P. 2007 and Director 2008 & 2009

                           Los Padres Watercolor Society - President 2003 - present